Im A Professional Too 5-part Series

A campaign & collaboration co-curated by CAREspaces x SNS Arts Development Consultancy (India) to help our Indian Arts community identify actionable, realistic, and socially/culturally aware professional practices within this space.

About the Series

As members of Indian arts spaces, we often find ourselves struggling to establish that “we are professionals too.” CAREspaces & SNS want that statement to be loud and clear while also defining the responsibilities that come with making such claims.

This series is for every stakeholder of our community - artistes, connoisseurs, parents, students, teachers & organizers. We believe every member has a responsibility in enforcing professional conduct.

We believe there are many facets to professional conduct, which will be outlined in future sessions within this 5-part series. The topics will be: (Re)Define Workspaces, Protect Your Creative IP, Value Your Work, Draw Your Boundaries, and Know Your Rights.

About the Campaign

In parallel to this series of events, launched a social media campaign to highlight individuals in our space who consistently and intentionally demonstrate professional conduct within the Indian Arts. If you are interested in participating in our campaign, please let us know and we can give you additional details!

Meet our Collaborator

Shreya Nagarajan Singh launched SNS Arts Development Consultancy which provides strategic guidance, artists management, fundraising, sponsorship, operational, and revenue management strategies for artists and art companies around the world. Based in Chennai, they have a presence in Mumbai and Chicago and work with a wide range of artists from Choreographers to authors. Museums to Biennales.

Session 1 - (Re)Define Workspaces

This session aims to define informal and formal Indian Arts workspaces, while discussing the nuances between individuals who share those spaces. This session will be a panel discussion to define professional conduct within the spaces we may occupy in the Indian arts.

Session 2 - Protect Your Creative IP

This workshop session aims to encourage all stakeholders in the Indian Arts space to acknowledge the importance of protecting one's own creative intellectual property (IP) as well as the IP of another stakeholder. Our panel of expert IP lawyers will teach our participants how to recognize, analyze, and apply IP concepts to real-world case studies. This will ensure that every stakeholder holds themselves and others accountable to upholding best practices in this space.

Session 3 - Value Your Work

This session encourages all stakeholders in the Indian Arts spaces to acknowledge the importance of valuing work. We will establish how our panel of artistes value their work and ensure they are appropriately compensated for their efforts. We will also identify situations in which that compensation is lacking. This session helps outline the cultural nuances of the arts economies of the Indian performing arts spaces and its several stakeholders (performers, teachers, students, connoisseurs etc.).

Session 4 - Know Your Rights

Having the means and access to advocate for your safety, intellectual property, and value is essential to professional conduct. This advocacy calls for knowledge and access to legal resources, which can often feel intimidating and inaccessible for various reasons. This session aims to decrease such barriers by empowering you with simple tools to negotiate and demand accountability. We will answer your questions pertaining to three areas of law and explore avenues to access legal help in challenging situations related to IP, financial, sexual, and ethical misconduct in the Indian arts.*

*Please Note: Material covered in this section should not be interpreted as legal advice; Content warning: Sexual & nonsexual workplace misconduct, boundary-setting.

Session 5 - Draw Your Boundaries

We hear the phrase "Draw Your Boundaries" so often, but how practical is it, really (especially in the Indian arts)? We occupy professional spaces in which being "easy to work with" and "flexible" are commendable professional traits. But, at what cost? We believe being a great collaborator and respecting your limits are both equally essential to professional conduct. Making assertive decisions to draw boundaries, define limits, and articulate your stance often involve weighing options and priorities, which can take a large emotional and mental toll on an individual. This session aims to unpack the practicalities of drawing boundaries, while giving you the tools to help make complex decisions with greater ease and meaningful support.

Please note: everyone's situation is unique and different, and conversations in this session should not be interpreted as advice. Content warning: Sexual & nonsexual workplace misconduct, boundary-setting.

We would love to work with you!